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Paperless Challenge: The results

In June this year, we announced the launch of our Paperless Challenge.

We chose to launch this campaign after our ‘Death of the Paper Trail’ report revealed the shocking statistic that some workers in the UK can use an average of 45 pieces of paper a day, with two-thirds of that considered waste.

Despite the financial, performance, and environmental benefits of paperless working, too many companies remain overly reliant on paper.

To encourage more businesses to join the digital revolution, we decided to offer £500 worth of digital data capture products, along with £500 of expert consultancy, to anyone that took up our challenge to go entirely paperless for the month of July.

Leading consumer finance specialist Duologi was the first business to step forward to take part in the Paperless Challenge.

The results of the challenge

We were delighted (although not surprised!) to hear that since commencing the challenge, Duologi has seen its administrative costs fall dramatically, and there has been increased productivity reported by the sales team.

Previously, the team was reliant on paper-based systems to keep track of sales and new business appointments and to record information at client meetings. But our WorkMobile mobile data capture app records everything digitally, meaning Duologi could streamline its processes, becoming more agile and efficient as a result.

This has resulted in an impressive 40% reduction in admin costs, as there is no need for staff to return to the office and transcribe data from hand-written notes. It’s also reduced the scope for human error, and the time saved means that the sales team has been able to fulfil more appointments in a day.

Giles Askam, operations director at Duologi, had this to say about the challenge:

“We are always looking for ways to improve the way we work, so when the opportunity to take part in WorkMobile’s Paperless Challenge arose we were intrigued to see what kind of impact mobile technology could have for us.

“The results have been brilliant, with administrative responsibilities greatly reduced for our sales team, giving them more time to do what they’re really great at.

“We were concerned that making the switch could prove complicated and time-consuming, but WorkMobile made sure the process was as simple and painless as possible.

“The app is very straightforward and easy to use, and they were always on hand to help out with any questions we did have.

“We’re really pleased with the outcome of the Paperless Challenge, and would definitely recommend it to other businesses who think they might benefit from a new, paperless approach.”

We’re thrilled that Duologi has seen such fantastic results from the Paperless Challenge, as we’re passionate about helping businesses revolutionize the way they work, saving them time and money while also reducing their ecological impact.

We hope that Duologi’s experience illustrates the very real benefits of digital transformation, and shows how achievable it really is.

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